More NATO Attack Facts…

…and the Army’s stand-down orders?

[I had this as a note (as Side Note 1 here) in another of the posts but feel the point is important enough that it deserves more attention]

Side Note 1: Here is another news item that puts a new light on the NATO strike. According to this story, i.e. NATO’s explanation, “aircraft which had been called into the area to provide “close air support” to troops on the ground was responsible for causing casualties among the Pakistani soldiers.” This only means one thing: Not only NATO violated the airspace, but also crossed into Pakistan territory on foot. (Shouldn’t they accept NATO’s explanation for it makes them look a little better? At least it shows that — for a change — their men acted the way they were supposed to and tried to stop the intrusion? But expecting that is expecting a bit much…they refuse to accept this excuse by NATO and the damn fools are instead pushing the “We pleaded” story:

The NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers lasted almost two hours and continued even after Pakistani commanders had pleaded with coalition forces to stop, the army claimed Monday in charges that could further inflame anger in Pakistan.

Point to note is that this EXPOSES THEM FURTHER (besides the “pleading” bit). Note that here is the admission that the ATTACK LASTED ALMOST TWO HOURS and these bozos on the ground did not get any support from their bozos in the air…One can be certain that those commanders were also in contact with their own commanders elsewhere but those commanders (including Kayani, for I am sure he was informed of what was going on) DID NOTHING (in fact they probably issued a stand-down order and let their fellow soldiers burn).

UPDATE: It is now being confirmed that NO ACTION was taken following the attack for a FULL FOUR HOURS AT LEAST (Maybe they were too busy putting finishing touches on this news release about this movie directed by Kayani’s son. That they would choose such a time for that is beyond disgusting).

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