Posts Tagged 'Zionist'

A Quickie: Gaza In Plain Language

Now that the “Revolution” has Failed…

…On to Plan B (which used to be Plan A, so nothing has changed really)

With the failure of the Western powers to ferment a popular uprising after the 12 June elections in Iran that they hoped would lead to regime change, the West has now had to return to the ‘Iran has nuclear weapons’

meme in order to pave the way for an attack against Iran in the hope that regime change can be affected that way….

U.S. has already given the “green light” for an Israeli attack though the Obama White House is trying to deny it. But we’ve got the transcript and the video 😉 AND Israel’s appreciation!

And we haven’t forgotten Obama’s earlier utterance nor Biden or Obama’s background 😉 :

Biden: “I’m a Zionist”

The Real Barak Obama at AIPAC

MoFo Media

dawn-wCertainly was disgusting to find the following pic glaring at me on the front page of Dawn today, under the main headline “Obama Asks Muslims to Make Fresh Beginning“:

alestinian militants wearing masks pose with their weapons while watching the speech of US President Barack Obama in front of journalists at a training base in Gaza City. — AP photo

Palestinian militants wearing masks pose with their weapons while watching the speech of US President Barack Obama in front of journalists at a training base in Gaza City. — AP photo

There could be no picture worst than this one chosen by Dawn. Totally inappropriate and totally staged  piece of trash put out my IDF I am sure.

  • If these “Palestinian militants” are so interested in watching Obama then why the hell are they not watching him?
  • Why are they all dressed alike in camouflage and all holding the same pose with guns in their laps, staring straight ahead like zombies? And I doubt any militant’s hope is in such nice shape….
  • The speechwas in motherfvcking Egypt so why are they showing “militants” from Palestine? And if you have to show palestinians, why not show ordinalry ones?

Not to be out done, we have this interesting claim made by the Jang group:

US also complains against Geo (WINK, WINK) 😉

GeoLogoHolbrooke of course helped in the con by stating Geo was being anti-American. I think this in in reaction to the chatter making the rounds that a MAJOR part of Geo’s earnings come from airing Voice of America. Add to that payment for services rendered for other such broadcasts and you get the picture. News is also making rounds that a full 44% of Geo’s shares are held by Bajaj Group of India so you can well imagine where their loyalties lie.