Gordon Duff Exposed: The Lying, Weeping Pussy

Recently, Gordon Duff, the managing editor of Veteran Times has been salivating thinking about NATO’s “victory” in Libya — in fact he believes it has already happened — and has been writing some hilarious pieces. Here are a few examples (BTW: I strongly recommend you read all three — I promise you  will be laughing your @ss off):

Breaking Story: Libya Falls (Exclusive Rebel Statement – Latest Videos)

Of course I challenged him on it and he came back with abuses and threats and nothing else. When I exposed some more of his bullshit, he resorted to deleting my comments. Luckily I DID manage to save some so here are our exchanges:


Western banksters created a new Central Bank in Libya with the help of HSBC’s to steal Libya’s money. They also created a new, to be fully privatized, national oil company, operated by Qatar, to steal Libya’s oil.

If these murdering thugs, known as rebels, take over Tripoli expect a huge civil war. I wonder what’s going to happen to all of Libya’s gold and other assets. Well, perhaps they’ll leave the country.

Prediction: Two years from know the Libyan people will be worse off. Just ask the Iraqis if the USA has brought them a better life. Obama, how many Libyan civilians did the terrorist organization known as NATO kill? Since the main players in NATO, the USA, Great Britain and France are puppets of Israel the Israelis either approved or ordered the attack, I think they ordered it. Yes, they’re friendly to both sides for profits and control. How many innocent Muslims has Obama killed?

Well if Gaddafi is being sought perhaps Obama should be sought.

  • I do love this, Gaddafi, whose family vacations with the Rothschilds in Montenegro, are suddenly victims of a vast Jewish conspiracy.
    Good luck with that one.

    • Gordon, our 81 congressmen are going to have a wonderful, free vacation in Israel and we are supposed to believe these congressmen and the country they represent are victims of a Jewish Zionist conspiracy; well yes.

    • Ah, so Gaddafi was “bad” for having “family vacations with the Rothschilds in Montenegro” BUT the Rothchilds taking over the central bank of Libya is “good” — so VT/GD is on the same side as gaddafi isn’t it? Oops, soory I forgot — Gordon and family have the added star of having weekend bar-b-cues with Tenent and family…

      What utter B.S. You are such a shill and exposing too much of the hand that feed you 🙂  “Dissent” my @ss! “Manufactured Dissent”? Bingo! 😉

      • ^^^
        “Tenent” should be “Tenet”, as in George Tenet…

      • The central bank of libya is a partnership between a number of banks, some rothschild controlled, some US and a high percentage ownership by gaddafi himself.

        You lose, MF, your Zionist shill and his boys are out on their ass along with the liars and thugs. The people of libya, the ones you said were going to rise against the rebels turned on gaddafi.

        Time for you to bend over and kiss your own ass goodbye. You are, officially, too stupid to live.

        • ROTFLMAO. Getting NASTY are we, old goat who probably got shot in the butt running away 🙂
          Seems I hit a nerve — and the right one! 😛

          Funny to see a dog that feeds at the crumbs of the elite fools himself into thinking he is one of them. More later….

          BTW: Funny to see a Zionist shill calling another that … really funny 🙂


The NWO concieved and implemented this war to gain control of Libya’s wealth. The “end game” here is the control of all wealth of the Arab Nations, the last opposition to the Zionist World Order.

See, you are blowing Gordon Duff’s cover…Gordon is salivating for this supposed victory of the “Zionist World Order” and pretending to be uber-anti-Zionist, trying to twist it by blaming Qaddafi to be in bed with Zionists…He wants us to believe NATO is ther to fight Zionist (now that includes Gaddafi, according to Gordon) plans.

Are the vets really this dumb to buy this sh!t for Tenet’s pet d*g??


Al-Jazeera English had pro Palestinian employees replaced by Zionists in the last few years.

Al-Jazeera – Pro-Israel Arab Network


  • very true, al jaz is a disinformation site….like the folks defending gaddafi

  • Not only is Al Jazeera “a disinformation site” (like VT?), it is NOT owned by the Emir of Qatar, as the popularly believed disinfo goes. It is only based in Qatar and the Sheikh “The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa, provided a loan of QAR 500 million ($137 million) to sustain Aljazeera through its first five years, as Hugh Miles detailed in his book Aljazeera The Inside Story of the Arab News Channel That Is Challenging the West. Shares were held by private investors as well as the Qatar government.”

    Yes, it has “private” investors and you can be sure who those are 😉

    As about Qatar, you know who owns the Emir’s @ss. He is the one who built a new base for US to attack Iraq and today his forces and Jordon’s are the only one’s outside of NATO fighting along with the rebels (so I am sure Gordon is in love with the Emir of Qatar and that other puppet, King of Jordan)….
    See http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/08/24/libya.foreign.forces


(Now this one is specially interesting. Why would Gordon delete this one?? Hmmmm…..)

Israeli Jew to join rebel Libyan regime


Gordon Duff

August 24, 2011 – 6:47 am

Other than Gaddafi, the Rothschild son?

Running out of ideas, Gordon?? Again, please explain to me why getting rid of “Gaddafi, the Rothschild son” is something to soooo look forward to (the connotation being “Rothschilds are BAD”, with which I agree) but whole of Libya falling into the hands of Rothschilds is something you are all giddy over??

This only proves if anyone is Rothschild’s son, it’s YOU (b@stard one, of course)!!!


Gordon: I didn’t know you were just mouthing McCain (another vet like you)

FLASHBACK FROM 2 DAYS AGO – McCain: Gadhafi Will Be Gone In a ‘Matter of Hours’


Man, these are LLOOONNNGGG HOURS!!

In other news:

Libya: NATO Psy-Op Collapses – Qaddafi Prevails Again


Tony Cartalucci writes:

“Once again a defiant Qaddafi has prevailed against the full might of NATO aggression including a murderous bombing campaign followed by NATO special forces on the ground supporting mobs of US/UK/French/Qatari backed Al Qaeda thugs which swarmed Tripoli over the weekend.

“Illustrious” news agencies from the Qatari government’s AlJazeera, to the now exposed frauds at CNN, BBC, Reuters, AP, AFP [AND VETERANS TODAY :)] have been caught perpetuating a concerted war propaganda campaign in order to break the will of both Libya and in particular Tripoli….

Libya rebels lose territory as battle for Tripoli deepens


By Ariel Zirulnick,

Two days after rebels exulted in their swift takeover of Tripoli, signaling the endgame for Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, the capital has become a stage for a potentially protracted battle between rebels and loyalists.

The rebels expected a decisive victory after entering the city easily this weekend, Bloomberg reports, but they are still locked in battle with Mr. Qaddafi’s fighters inside and outside Tripoli.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the rebels pulled back from much of the territory in the city that they took earlier in the week and seemed to be in control of only a “slice of land leading from the western edge to near the city center.” Qaddafi gunmen have staked out several neighborhoods and Green Square, where rebel supporters celebrated Sunday night, is now a “no-man’s land.”…

So up yours!

Interestingly not yet deleted! I am sure it is an oversight 🙂

  1. BTW: Forgot to mention this but I DO want to ask one more question. Gordon has put up this B.S. statement in BOLD and in RED to really highlight it is a “FACT”:

    Rebels: “The Americans have given us absolutely nothing, zero, zilch.not a bullet nor has any other NATO member”

    Is anyone here dumb enough to believe that BIG LIE????

  2. What I sincerely just don´t understand about the Duff and Dean line is how they can consider the fall of the regime – and we still have hope that that may not even be the fate of Libya – but how they can construe that, if it does happen, as confirmation of their position – ie, cruel tyrant who has lost support of the people, etc. Air war bombing at will, 42 nation military coalition, economic “sanctions” and confiscations, world media psy-war, mercenary “rebel” army, and more, against a desert country of 6 million. Oh, but VT headlines “Rebels – We haven´t received one single bullet from the US or Nato” – who do they think they are fooling ?!? VT even swallowed whole the obvious psy-war “report” about the Mossad coming to the rescue of the Gaddafi regime – a psy-war report directed principly to a mid-east audience – but taken by VT as good coin !!

    Really, we´ve all made mistakes before. This is a hell of a blunder. How does VT live this down so it can go on with it´s vital work of exposing the Fake War on Terror and thus help avert WW3….

    • “How does VT live this down so it can go on with it´s vital work of exposing the Fake War on Terror and thus help avert WW3….”

      Dave, sorry but it CAN’T! It is not a unintentional “blunder” by any means. This is what Gordon Duff is selling. You won’t hear any “oops!” but more of the same (and we have already seen more crap like it appear on these pages from Gordy).

      Gordon has just dropped his pants to show the wold the tattos on his bvtt — He is a cheerleader waving his pom-poms for that very “Fake War on Terror”. No laser surgery will help remove them

    • Just want to add:

      I only mentioned the “one single bullet” thing. Do you buy any of the other high-lighted “facts” up top:

      1. Rebels Greeted As Liberators, Fighting Ends


      2. Sons ‘Were’ in Custody, Confirmed by International Criminal Court


      3. Few as 200 Rebel Fighters Take Tripoli


      4. Pro-Israeli CNN”s Wolf Blizer Makes Last Ditch Appeal for Gaddafi Support


      I say they are ALL BVLLSH!T! Pure lies!!

      P.S. What is even funnier is the fact that that “The Americans have given us absolutely nothing, zero, zilch.not a bullet nor has any other NATO member” crap is accompanied by a photo with the hilarious caption:



DELETED! This comment was followed by a brief one to Dave Mann saying something like “Gordon just proved my point” and a link to the 🙂

I know there were some others too but I have no record of them…

Now having his @ss banged, Gordon forgot about Libya for a while and switch the subject and put up this laugher:

Ft. Hood Shooting, America’s Breivik

In this he digs up the old Ft. Hood affair and tries to re-brand Hasan as Breivik and gives whole lot of crazy history of Hasan like he is trying to prove Hasan was recruited to do what he did when he was just a lad. Interestingly, one of my comments still survives:

Gordon’s latest fantasy 🙂 Hasan rebranded as “America’s Breivik”? Wow! Are the years catching up with you? You seem to have lost touch with reality, got caught up in your own fantasies 😉

Now Gordon has jumped back to Libya with another “brilliant” story but will not allow any of my comments to stay:

Libya: Gaddafi’s “Pet Journalists” 5 Star Prison

Here are some I had managed to save:

(I don’t know the exact time it was posted because it was gone before I could save the webpage. Luckily I had pasted it in a text file. I do know it was the second comment on the article and just a few minutes before the one under it)
What a CROCK of SH!T!!!!Gordon, you are getting more pathetic by the day! Honestly I thought this was going to be about this one:
Libya State TV Host Hala Misrati held captive by revolutionists
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbDcNkz8vXsBut of course you don’t have the guts to feature that because it shows your true pathetic face!You could have listed this too:
Video: LATEST REPORT FROM TRIPOLI: NATO’s Mainstream Media: “Killing The Truth”
But of course you don’t have the guts!You could have listed this too:
CNN tells journalists in Libya “Don’t mention al Qaeda or you’ll get killed”
But of course you don’t have the guts!You could have listed this too:
Libya: Prostitution of Western journalism [This would include Gordon Duff and VT but they are not ‘journos’, just prostitutes]
But of course you don’t have the guts!

What a lying sack of zionist b!tch you are! 🙂

I am sure soon you will report this (as “truth”):
US Fears Gadhafi Could Unleash Chemical, Nuclear WMD on Rebels, NATO

But not mention this:
2004 – US confirms Libya free of WMD and lifted sanctions


Sorry but this is just to funny:

One day prior to the assault on Tripoli by rebel forces, aided by Gaddafi’s own security team and militia, the same militia Franklin Lamb said was prepared to “fight to the death” for Gaddafi, a series of documents were delivered to the NTC (National Tansitional Council).

These documents outlined payments made to journalists and other purported “activists” who were actually paid agents of Colonel Gaddafi, rewriting his press releases and passing them on as “jouranlism.” The documents show payments, some made to “charitable organizations” and other front groups of up to $15,000 per day.

These “journalists,” including many bloggers of the “alternative media” in the United States, were sent “talking points.” These were the themes that were to be repeated:

Man, these guys are GOOD! First they set up a Central Bank in no time; then quickly sign deals to sell Libyan oil on the cheap in no time; and in minutes after are able to find documents to “prove” any one who does not agree with Gordy the world over — including all of blogosphere — is on Gaddafi’s payroll.


Of course, Gordon and his VT take “no financial support from any organization or individual” (see VT’s aboutus page). Now why does it sound so much like the “rebels” of Libya who, as Gordy informs us, NATO/Americans “have given us absolutely nothing, zero, zilch.not a bullet ”
(see http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/08/21/breaking-story-libya-falls-gaddafi-sought-militia-joins-rebels-overthrows-army)

Right! 😉

The “update” (“Journalists say they have been freed”) kind of kills your story! All that work for nothing!:)

Well here is the full story from your “Update” link:

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — International journalists say they have been freed from the Rixos Hotel after being held for days by armed men loyal to Moammar Gadhafi.

CNN correspondent Matthew Chance says on Twitter that he and journalists from several other news organizations have left the hotel in a car.

The journalists had been held at gunpoint by two nervous Kalashnikov-wielding guards who refused to give up their posts despite rebel victories elsewhere in the city.

An Associated Press reporter who entered the hotel earlier Wednesday found the journalists wearing helmets and flak jackets, clustered on the second floor, where a guard said they weren’t permitted to leave.

What is interesting is the way it has been put by AP. Just makes no bloody sense. Were they “freed” or they just “left” in a car? Was the “Gaddafi regime” holding them or “two nervous Kalashnikov-wielding guards who refused to give up their posts”? And if “two nervous Kalashnikov-wielding guards who refused to give up their posts” were there, how did the AP reporter manage to enter the hotel and get to them?

Fairy tales are more believable!!!! 🙂

[What is interesting is that — though the “Update note” on top is still there,  Gordon has since removed the link to the AP story. Now why  would he do that?? Too embarrassed??????????]

Just want to add:
So the “35 journalists” had the WHOLE second floor to them (that is hardly being “clustered”) and just two guards guarding them? How did those two manage to block ALL exits on that floor (I bet you there are MORE THAN TWO)????

This is the atrium where there were supposedly being “held” by by just two “gunmen”:

Now that’s a MIGHTY big place….

And interestingly I don’t see ANY gunmen in the pics so far released taken during the “ordeal” e.g.:


Ooo…Look at the “cluster”:


That’s it, Gordon? You think deleting my comments will save you from the embarrassment of your @rse having been exposed/the truth not coming out??

Ah so this is what a “soldier” fights like? Wow! You ought to wear a skirt!!! 😉

Of course ALL of the above have been deleted as well 🙂

Note: As mentioned by “Dave Mann” in one of the comments above, it is not just Gordon but another “Featured Columnist” of VT, Jim W. Dean, who is taking this stupid line. Now what this does for the credibility of Veterans Today and ALL it’s contributing columnists of VT you can well imagine…

2 Responses to “Gordon Duff Exposed: The Lying, Weeping Pussy”

  1. 1 nota August 25, 2011 at 11:00 am

    Some interesting comments on Gordon Duff at PolitOccult:
    Confusion In Libya

  2. 2 politoccult August 26, 2011 at 7:47 pm

    Gawd, what a disgusting character Duff is. Good work exposing this shill.

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